
The first month of grad school has come and gone. It seems like both a flash and an eternity, like most things in 2020 have. Online learning has been an adjustment especially with two school age children also adjusting to virtual learning, but I feel like I'm starting to hit a groove. 

We have already made it completely through the first two modules and module three wraps up with a test on Friday. I am really enjoying the content we are learning and I found the antibiotics to be especially interesting. 

An important part of the culture at Tulane is being of service to others and the community. This is something that resonates with me as serving others has always been an important part of my life. The pandemic has changed so much and that includes community service, the needs, and how it is conducted. In searching for ways to help while maintaining safety guidelines my eyes have been opened to more needs and ways to help to meet them. I wrote several letters to seniors living in nursing homes and my girls even joined in by creating works of art to send them! I loved finding seniors with interests that matched my own because its such a great way to open up a dialogue. I'm very thankful for Ms.Martin who set up that opportunity. I also read a story to a local 1st grade class for Latinx Heritage month! I love reading to kids and sharing about my culture, its something I have done for several years. However, it looked a little different this year as I was staring at a screen and not lots of little faces. I have also filled out an application to be a peer mentor for women who may be suffering with postpartum depression or other postpartum mental health issues and hope to be paired soon.

I'm really excited and grateful to be part of this program. Not only is the curriculum engaging and important, the professors are all wonderful. I can tell they want us all to succeed and go above and beyond providing resources like Dr. Lindsey's mentoring meetings. I can't wait to see what the coming months bring!

Volunteering Hours: 2


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