
March Service hours:3
Total spring service hours: 16 

March has brought some changes mainly kicking up studying for the shelf exam we take on April 1st. I am feeling lots of nerves but I am really excited and proud to be this far. The teamwork and cooperation with other students in this program is one of the biggest perks I could talk about. We all support and share resources with each other helping others succeed. It’s hard to believe how close we are to being finished with the program and I am so grateful that I got to be part of it. 

I’ve continued to mentor through Postpartum Support Int. Volunteering with this program has continued to show me how important it is to have accessible postpartum support and care. There is so much more we could and should be doing for new mothers and to support mental health in general.  I’ve seen firsthand how just having someone to talk to, someone who shows that they care, can help. Times right now are especially difficult and anyone who is struggling should know there are resources and hope. As PSI likes to say “you are not alone, you are not to blame, and with help you can heal”. I believe this wholeheartedly and help will look different for everyone but you should never be afraid or ashamed to take that help. 

PSI support line 1-800-944-4773


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